terça-feira, 10 de março de 2009

Acabou a Angustia - XP2009 Confirmado

We would like to thank you for submitting a paper to the XP 2009 conference (http://www2.xp2009.org/xp2009/).

We are pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted to appear as a SHORT paper in the proceedings and for presentation at the conference. All papers went through a thorough review process and we selected the best for inclusion in the program.
Important dates:16 March 2009 - camera-ready paper ready (THIS IS A HARD DEADLINE. PAPERS NOT SUBMITTED ON TIME WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PROCEEDINGS) 1 April 2009 - author registration deadline 26-30 May 2009 - conference dates
Before Springer will publish your paper in the proceedings, it is necessary for the author who will be presenting it to register for XP 2009 by 1 April 2009.

Camera-ready copies need to be submitted via email to the program co-chairs (pekka.abrahamsson@cs.helsinki.fi , frank.maurer@ucalgary.ca). When you prepare your final submission, please follow the author guidelines of the Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-487211-0).

Short papers are allowed up to 6 pages.Experience reports are allowed up to 5 pages.

You will find the reviews of your paper below. Please use the comments from the reviewers to revise your paper and submit a final camera-ready version by March 16, 2009. You have to ensure that your paper is in the correct Springer Proceedings format. Reformatting after the deadline is NOT possible and incorrect formatting might exclude the paper from the proceedings.

Again, congratulations and we look forward to your talk at XP 2009!

All the best,Pekka Abrahamsson & Frank Maurer Program Co-Chairs XP 2009

Minha maior alegria é ver que os dois que mais me ajudaram no meu trabalho (Frank Maurer and Pekka Abrahamson são Chairs da Conferência...) será que vou reencontrar os dois lá? Tomara que sim...

Alegria grande e trabalho muito pela frente...

Best Regards


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